Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Can you give Gordon Brown a call? - 16:30 tomorrow

It’s not often one receives an email from a head of state asking you to give them a call, but that’s what happened yesterday, even as the Ed Miliband story was being posted up.

Turns out to be from none other than Gordon Brown, the british prime minister, who has approached the pp (and no doubt many thousands of other people) looking for mass support for a bold stance at Copenhagen at the end of this week.

So he has teamed up with AVAAZ to do what must be the first prime minister’s mass phone call in the uk, which is happening tomorrow at 16:30.

That may not be quite as uplifting for the ego as a personal email and personal call, while the chances of actually getting heard are probably still in the order of 10,000 to one, or more ephemeral still. Yet it is still quite something politically.

So here’s the email in full so anyone who might want to add weight to this can hook up with the PM in person.

Must be worth the effort. The more support Gordon Brown has over climate change and the more radical he can be encouraged to be over what he is prepared to put on the table and the solutions he is prepared to back the better, and the greater our not particularly sparkling chances of turning climate change around.

Here's the link in case the ones below have got corrupted:

Why not give me a call?

Have fun!

From: "Gordon Brown" <info@email-new.labour.org.uk>
Subject: Could you give me a call?
Date: 14 December 2009 11:22 AM


I’ll be heading out to Copenhagen for the climate change conference soon - but the part I’ll be playing there is bolstered by the difference you and thousands of other people are making by taking part in Ed's Pledge.

That’s why I’ll be taking part in a mass phone call in association with Avaaz this coming Wednesday (16 Dec) at 4.30pm – taking questions, listening to people’s views and making sure that the opinions of people across the country get a hearing at Copenhagen.

Why not give me a call?

Ed has been keeping me up to date with the Ed’s Pledge campaign and I wanted to thank you for all the work you’ve been putting in.

The thousands of letters to l ocal newspapers, the thousands co-signing Ed’s letter to David Cameron and all your efforts to spread the word about climate change have truly been a sight to see.

Sign up to take part in the phone call

People can’t be spectators to important events – the power to change the world comes from people working and fighting for what’s right together.

Tell me the message you’d like me to give to world leaders – sign up for the phone call

I hope to speak to you on Wednesday


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